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For the latest articles focused on both entertaining and teaching you about relationships, sprinkled with some reality tv nuggets!


The Communication Expectation
Ask most people you encounter what one thing they want to work on, and I believe one of the top answers would be communication. But how...

Lessons I’ve Learned from a Traumatic Childhood..
With the rise of us all investing in our mental health, it is important to realize we all undergo trauma when we develop from children to...

Shedding Your Suit of Armor
The vulnerability journey is one that just is not that easy folks. I think many of my clients come to me with issues surrounding...

Internalized Homophobia
The other day I saw something that said “Dear Gays, please start being nice to guys you are not attracted to.” This hit me so hard. I...

The Micro-attractions of Love
The definition of a micro-attraction is: "The understated moments and behaviors that make us realize someone is the kind of person we...

Chemistry, Lust, Infatuation & Connection
When it comes to love and relationships, there are several terms we hear repeated such as chemistry, connection, infatuation and lust. ...

A Valentine's Day Single's Promise
Happy Valentine’s Eve Everyone. Ah, Valentine’s Day… the holiday that makes single people want to crawl up under the covers and hide. ...

The Romance Languages You May Not Know
Happy February everyone! I am sure we all know these blogs ESPECIALLY will be all about love and Valentine’s Day (no surprise there, I...

Dispelling Dating Advice & Phrases
Well, everyone. January is over. The alleged longest month of the year came and went. I swear I blinked on Christmas and here I am on...

Conscious Dating: Standards, Values, Non-Negotiables, and Requirements
Wow, January is nearly over. I would not be surprised if 2022 flies by just as fast as 2021. While we are still on January and...

Instafamous Psychology Buzzwords
Social media has some amazing benefits. It enables us to connect beyond our reach. It allows us to gain visibility that might not have...

Relationship Goals You Need for 2022
As we continue to move into 2022, I thought it would be a good idea help everyone set some relationship goals. Relationships encompass...

Word of the Year: 2022 Edition
Can we believe it? 2022- It’s here. 2021 managed to fly by extremely fast, leaving behind it, it’s dramatic continuation of 2020. As...

Why are we attracted to mean people?
Why are we attracted to mean people? As a teenager, I grew up enthralled with movies and television shows such as Mean Girls, Clueless,...

Body Image & Plastic Surgery: The when and why?
For many years I struggled with my body image, unsatisfied with my appearance, and diminishing my self-worth daily by what I saw in the...

People-pleasing vs. Inability to Say No
Typical people pleaser There is this theory that I have intuitively developed through my experience coaching clients and even when I was...

Nurses: What’s Holding Us Back from Greatness
Throughout my many years as a nurse I have worked in various types of settings. From medical/surgical, to emergency room, to intensive...
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